2024 Talks


Better By Illness: Medical Vulnerability as an Artistic Movement | Ted Meyer

Art about illness may not always be the most pleasing to look at, but it invites us to approach the uncomfortable, expand our limited perspective of disease, and see humanity in struggle. Ted Meyer, an artist and patient advocate [...]

Simple ways to create a deaf-friendly city | Clara Baldwin

Through empathy, the integration of American Sign Language, and the utilization of a small community’s strength in mobilization, Anchorage has the potential to be the United States’ first deaf-friendly city. Clara Baldwin, with [...]

The hidden cost of poor pelvic health | Darshana Naik

One in five women experience pelvic pain, and the root isn’t just stress–it’s a lack of permission. Pelvic health is “hole” health and whole health! Darshana Naik, a dual board-certified pelvic health expert, focuses on the cultural [...]